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Optimizer Report
Updated over 7 months ago

You can create a personalized PDF report with advice and recommendations about how you can improve your org. Consider running the Optimizer Report as part of your monthly maintenance or at least once a quarter. You can run the report as often as you want.

  • From Setup, search Optimizer in the Quick Find box

  • Click Create PDF


A PDF report will be generated with recommendations to improve your implementation and will save the report to your files. The file includes some of the following information from the report:

  • Feature section and subsection per the report’s table of contents

  • Type of feature analyzed, along with the number of items found

  • Severity of observation

Use the .xls file to load the data into Rethink to analyze it for trending and historical analysis. By uploading data into a Salesforce custom object, you can create workflow triggers and alerts when various thresholds are reached.

The Optimizer takes the guesswork out of how to best maintain features so that they can be optimized to help your users get work done. Run the Optimizer in sandbox or production environments to get recommendations for feature improvement, clean up customizations, reduce complexity, and drive feature adoption. Receive a personalized report with advice and recommendations about how you can improve your implementation.

Keep in mind that the Optimizer:

  • It is available only in English.

  • Makes API calls that count against your limit (see System Overview: API Usage)

  • It doesn’t evaluate the metadata of items installed from managed packages.

  • Evaluates your org’s metadata only, not your records or other content you store in Salesforce.

  • Evaluates some, not all, your features and customizations.

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