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Object Manager 101
Updated over 7 months ago

Object Manager is an administrative tool that houses the setup for all objects in the CRM, such as Contacts, Companies, Properties, Deals, etc. In this article we'll review how to access objects and the primary functions you will be using on a regular basis.


Inside the Object Manager

  • Details - these items are particular to the identity of the object, visibility, and enablement.

    • Renaming the object

    • Adding a description (for users to better identify the object)

    • Change data type (currency, number, text, etc)

    • Allow search within object (enables the feature)

  • Fields & Relationships - This includes a list of items which are fields inside of the objects. Each field can be selected and modified individually. Inside each listed field you'll find rules and preferences for the below items.


  • Page Layouts - These are profiles for particular record types created. For instance if you are reviewing the object manager for properties, you might find profiles for the following types of assets. Industrial, Land, Multifamily, Office, Retail, Etc. Clicking on any of these profiles will take you to the field layout editor allowing control over how the page is displayed. These panels will also display which of these items are currently active and available to be enable or disabled (any transparent items seen on the panel, are currently already enabled for that view)

    • Fields

    • Buttons

    • Quick actions

    • Mobile & Lightning Actions

    • Expanded lookups

    • Related List

    • Report Charts


  • Lightning Record Pages - This field allows you to select from the collection of lightning record pages previously created. If none have been created it will provide a link to create a new lightning record page using the light lightning editor. If you are interested in learning more about the lightning editor app builder, please refer to this article, Customizing the Home Page.

  • Buttons, Links, and Actions - This references all of the current button links and actions associated to that object in particular. In these preferences you'll find preference for each of those actions. Including but not limited to editing the label for the button, visibility to the code which launches once the button is interacted with, Height, etc.

  • Compact Layouts - Here we'll find all the preferences associated compact views of the object. These preference affect the layout of the object when it is viewed as a preview within other objects.

  • Field Sets - A field set is a grouping of fields. For Instance, you could have a field set that contains fields describing a user's first name, middle name, last name, and business title. If the page is added to a managed package, administrators can add, remove, or reorder fields in a field set to modify the fields presented on the page without modifying any code. Profiles can be used to save presets for different sets of information, depending on which fields a subscriber prefers to keep for each profile respectively. As an administrator, you can create or edit field sets for your organization, or edit any installed field set. Field sets are available on all standard objects that support custom fields, and any organization that supports creating page layouts.

  • Object Limit - The list varies depending on the object. When a customization exceeds the allowed limit for the object, or reaches 75% of the limit, a tip displays that suggests what you can do next. This setting is typically used when you’re planning to customize a particular standard object or to monitor the usage and limits of customizations on that object.

  • Record Types - Here you'll find a collection of picklist (dropdown menus) created for the object. Next to each listing we'll find an "edit" button which allows us to edit the contents of each picklist specifically. See below


Related Lookup Filters - This preference relates to parent objects and which other object are allowed to search for your current object. Other preferences be access by clicking the listed items which allow for validation, mark as required, etc.

Search Layouts - This preference relates to properties associated to any search fields which may be enabled for the object. All search lookup fields are listed, by clicking on any items on the list you are able to editing that search function in particular.

Triggers - This preference includes properties associated to set triggers for items within the object. These preference are more tailored for developers who would like to edit or add custom apex code to be used after specified actions have been taken (such as inserts, edits, updates, deletions). The average users will not have a need to manage this preference.

Validations Rules - This preference allows you to set rules for specified fields. For instance, if you have a property square footage field you can use validations to ensure that this field is always field out for new properties added and force the user to add a value greater than 100 sqft if desired.

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