In this article, you'll:
Learn how Apto is customized for Commercial Real Estate Brokers
Discover Apto's concepts of ‘Ownership’ and ‘Locations’
Explore how these two concepts come together at the property level
So you and your managing partner/broker/transaction coordinator decided to purchase our CRM - great! While you made a wise decision to invest in your business, this article is designed to teach how our CRM is different, and why we exist on a deeper level.
Since Apto is primarily designed for Commercial Real Estate Brokers, it is built to track Companies, Contacts, and Properties.
Not only can Apto & Rethink track multiple contacts within one company, but it can also track that company’s leasing or investment footprint through the concept of ‘Locations’ (Active Leases) or ‘Portfolio’ (Active Ownership Of A Property)
Instead of just tracking a generic list of contacts. Our CRM encourages you to identify your contacts via record types as shown below.
Important note: each contact type carries with it a different profile page. Much like companies, a tenant carries ‘Locations’ where as an Principal carries a ‘Portfolio’.
This is where contacts and companies intersect with a property to create a lease or an ownership record. In commercial real estate, we would like to see who may own a building and or, be leasing within that building, and your CRM allows you to track that.
Mastering the concepts of "Ownership" and "Location" within your Companies, Contacts, and Properties is key to getting the most out of your investment in our CRM.